Ball, P.: Universe of stone

Autor: Ball, P.
Šifra: 14-21-34
Izdavač: The Bodley Head, London
Godina izdanja: 2008

Dimenzije: 16,00 x 24,00 cm.
Opseg: 322 stranice.
Uvez: tvrdi, plastificiran; s plastificiranim zaštitnim ovitkom.
Stanje knjige: vrlo dobro.

Jezik: engleski.

Chartres Chathedral and the Triumph of the Medieval Mind.

In the Universe of Stone, Philip Ball explains the genesis and development of the Gothic style. He argues that it signified a new eay of looking at God and the universe. Informed by the rediscovery of textes from the ancient world, philosophers began to question old certainties about God's power and plan for mankind. This was the beginning of the argument between faith and reason - an argument which remains unresolved to this day - and of a scientific view of the world that threarened to disense with God altogether.
Universe of Stone establishes Chartres Chatedral's iconic role in Europe's history: a revolution in thought embodied in stone and glass; a philosophy made concrete throught the cooperation of theologians, craftsmen and engineers; and a bridge between the ancient and modern worlds.

Pogledajte sve od autora: Ball, P.
Pogledajte sve od nakladnika: The Bodley Head, London
Pogledajte sve iz područja: Tehničke znanosti / arhitekura i urbanizam

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