Charone, Barbara: Keith Richards

Autor: Charone, Barbara
Šifra: 161-23-65
Izdavač: Futura Publications, London
Godina izdanja: 1979

Dimenzije: 18,50 x 24,00 cm.
Opseg: 192 stranice.
Uvez: meki, plastificiran.
Stanje knjige: vrlo dobro.

Book Description:

Rumours abound. He changes his blood twice a year in a Swiss clinic. He has a steel plate in his nose. He lives on a four day cycle of no sleep. His imminent death is frequently predicted — preferably on stage. Yet the same man is increasingly recognised as the driving force behind the music of the Rolling Stones, perhaps for always 'the greatest rock 'n roll band in the world'. Keith Richards is an enigma who invites fantastic speculation. This book, his life story written with his full consent and co-operation, enters for the first time into the.unique and extraordinary world that is Keith Richards and the Rolling Stones. It is the story of Keith and Mick — the 'glimmer twins' of rock and roll, of Brian Jones — an early casualty on the road to super-stardom, of the drugs, the busts and the headline court cases, of the wild extravagances of the Stones on tour. And it is the story of Keith Richards, a man whose life and loves are irretrievably bound up with the Rolling Stones, possessed by rock and roll with a life style to match — often dangerously close to the edge but as uncompromising and driving as the music itself.

Pogledajte sve od autora: Charone, Barbara
Pogledajte sve od nakladnika: Futura Publications, London
Pogledajte sve iz područja: Umjetnost / glazba / glazba-razno

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