Jong, Erica: How to Save Your Own Life

Autor: Jong, Erica
Šifra: 96-20-1
Izdavač: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
Godina izdanja: 1977

Dimenzije: 15,50 x 23,50 cm.
Opseg: 310 stranica.
Uvez: tvrdi, platneni; sa zlatotiskom na hrptu; s plastificiranim zaštitnim ovitkom.
Stanje knjige: odlično.

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Jezik: engleski.

Preuzeto s ovitka:

What happened to Isadora Wing when she stepped out of the tub? Did she learn to fly at last? How to Save Your Own Life picks up Isadora's story three years after the events of Fear of Flying and provides the answers to these questions - and much more. With two marriages and a best selling novel behind her, Isadora is by now older, wiser, and somewhat more rueful heroine. She does indeed learn to fly, but the learning is hard won and far from flippant.
How to Save Your Own Life deals with the gradual stages by wich a marriage comes apart - the problems of betrayal, jealousy, trust. But the book is also about fame, Hollywood, sexual experimentation.

Pogledajte sve od autora: Jong, Erica
Pogledajte sve od nakladnika: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
Pogledajte sve iz područja: Književnost / Književnost na stranim jezicima / engleski

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