Seeley, Mabel: The Beckoning Door

Autor: Seeley, Mabel
Šifra: 499-22-36
Izdavač: A Pyramid Book, New York
Godina izdanja: 1969

Dimenzije: 10,50 x 18,00 cm.
Opseg: 204 stranice.
Uvez: meki, plastificiran.
Stanje knjige: dobro.

Jezik: engleski.

O knjizi:
The Beckoning Door concerns Cathy Kingman, quiet enough to meet, but deep in revolt against circumstances which kept her in the little Midwest town of Long Meadow. Her resentment extended to her cousin Sylvia who, having inherited the estate that Cathy wanted, returned to Long Meadow and callously broke up Cathy's romance. Then Sylvia hinted that she could open the door to the outside world, and Cathy thought the moment of escape had come. But-a fortuneteller prophesied that Sylvia would not live long, and the prophecy came violently true. The town, knowing the jealously that existed between the cousins, jumped to a quick and easy accusation. Cathy knew that to prove her innocence, even to those who loved her best, she must find the murderer. Suddenly, terrifyingly, Cathy realized that she herself was the hunted. It was just a question of time and wits whether she would find the murderer or be the next victim!

Pogledajte sve od autora: Seeley, Mabel
Pogledajte sve od nakladnika: A Pyramid Book, New York
Pogledajte sve iz područja: Književnost / Književnost na stranim jezicima / engleski

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