de la Roche, Mazo: The Master of Jalna
de la Roche, Mazo
Šifra: 504-22-65
Izdavač: Pan Books LTD, London
Godina izdanja: 1965
Opseg: 271 stranica.
Uvez: meki, plastificiran.
Stanje knjige: vrlo dobro.
First published in 1933, The Master of Jalna is Renny Whiteoak, who owns the old house and property. After the death of Grandmother Adeline, Renny attempts to carry on the family tradition. He and his wife Alayne have a daughter named Adeline, who has inherited her namesake’s red hair, strong will, and fierce temper. While Alayne is preoccupied trying to tame this wild, red-headed child, Renny has a love affair with Claire, the widow of his best friend. The whole Whiteoak family is back at Jalna, and Renny looks after everyone, including Claire and her daughter. He faces a financial crisis and struggles to keep the estate intact. This is book 10 of 16 in The Whiteoak Chronicles. It is followed by Whiteoak Harvest.
Pogledajte sve od autora:
de la Roche, Mazo
Pogledajte sve od nakladnika: Pan Books LTD, London
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Književnost / Književnost na stranim jezicima / engleski