Forsyth, Frederick: The Dogs of War

Autor: Forsyth, Frederick
Šifra: 14-23-19
Izdavač: Bantam Books, New York
Godina izdanja: 1995

Dimenzije: 10,50 x 17,50 cm.
Opseg: 371 stranica.
Uvez: meki, plastificiran.
Stanje knjige: odlično.

Book Description:

An astonishing discovery is made in the remote African republic of Zangaro, one which could change the course of a nation's history forever. But such a discovery cannot be kept secret for long and Sir James Manson will stop at nothing to protect this find. A ruthless and bloody-minded tycoon, Manson immediately hires an army of mercenaries and with this deadly crew behind him he sets out to topple the government and replace its dictator with a puppet president.

But news of the discovery has reached Russia - and suddenly Manson finds he no longer makes the rules in this power game. A game in which win or lose means life or death.

Pogledajte sve od autora: Forsyth, Frederick
Pogledajte sve od nakladnika: Bantam Books, New York
Pogledajte sve iz područja: Književnost / Književnost na stranim jezicima / engleski

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