Početna Knjige Umjetnost dizajn Fine Points of Furniture

Sack, A.: Fine Points of Furniture

Autor: Sack, A.
Šifra: 91-21-2
Izdavač: Crown Publishers, New York
Godina izdanja: 1950

Dimenzije: 19,00 x 26,00 cm.
Opseg: 303 stranice.
Uvez: tvrdi poluuvez (karton/platno); zlatotisak na hrptu; s plastificiranim zaštitnim ovitkom.
Stanje knjige: odlično; ovitak s popravcima.

Jezik: engleski.

Fine Points of Furniture: Early American.

Over 800 illustrations.

This is a new kind of handbook for the collector and the antiquarian. It presents a through analysis, throgh pictures and text, of the various elements of design, decoration, craftsmanship, construction and finish of early American furniture, showing with each type disscused three examples - good, better, best - and comparing the relative merits and consequent value diferentials of each. It explains why superficially similar pieces of furniture of the same approximate age and scarcity, and possibly by the same maker, may vary considerably in desirability and worth. As such it will serve as a unique, indispensable appraisers' guide to collectors in judging and evaluating antiques.

Pogledajte sve od autora: Sack, A.
Pogledajte sve od nakladnika: Crown Publishers, New York
Pogledajte sve iz područja: Umjetnost / dizajn

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