Sereno, Prartho (urednik): Everyday Osho

Autor: Sereno, Prartho (urednik)
Šifra: 75-22-22
Izdavač: Fair Winds Press, Gloucester; MA, USA
Godina izdanja: 2002

Dimenzije: 13,50 x 21,00 cm.
Opseg:364 stranice.
Uvez: meki, plastificiran.
Stanje knjige: odlično.

365 Daily Meditations for the Here and Now.

Jezik: engleski.

For more than thirty years, the insights of Osho have delighted and challenged spiritual seekers. Everyday Osho represents the essence of these insights an understanding that synthesizes a wide range of spiritual and philosophical traditions -- with the contributions of modern science and psychology. This inspirational volume offers readers daily choices by living fully in the here and now, challenging them to embrace a new way of being that integrates body, mind, and spirit.

Pogledajte sve od autora: Sereno, Prartho (urednik)
Pogledajte sve od nakladnika: Fair Winds Press, Gloucester; MA, USA
Pogledajte sve iz područja: Alternativa / samopomoć

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