Početna Knjige Rječnici / priručnici za učenje jezika engleski Dictionary of Business & Scientific Terms

Tver, David F.: Dictionary of Business & Scientific Terms

Autor: Tver, David F.
Šifra: 3-23-202
Izdavač: Gulf Publishing Company, Texas
Godina izdanja: 1968

Dimenzije: 16,00 x 23,50 cm.
Opseg: 528 stranica.
Uvez: tvrdi, umjetna koža; s plastificiranim zaštitnim ovitkom.
Stanje knjige: vrlo dobro; na predlistu potpis prošlog vlasnika.

Jezik: engleski.

Drugo izdanje.

O knjizi:

Many glossaries and dictionaries have been published on industrial, business and scientific terms. However, practically all of them fall into one of two groups. One is the full lenght book, covering in detail all of the terms of a particular industry, profession or branch of study, such as medicine, biology, physics, phychology, chemistry, petroleum industry terms, legal terms, etc. The other group is comprised of those glossaries published in the back of technical or text books in very brief form covering only those definitions which relate to the subject of the book. In short, these have been developed for one specific purpose - to serve the needs of that particular industry or profession.

With this volume, however, you have a book which offers a compact and readily available source of more than 12,000 definitions of the most used business and scientific terms. Gone are the days when a business man will have to shuffle several books to learn the meaning of words or phrases in different industries or phases of life. Thus, the unique factor of this dictionaery of business and scientific terms is that it enables you to quicklylocate - in one convenient source - definition for all important industrial, professional, and business and scientific terms. Ideal for the business man, for his secretary or for a college student studying many and various subjects.

There is no doubt that this will become a valuable and often used part of your library.

Pogledajte sve od autora: Tver, David F.
Pogledajte sve od nakladnika: Gulf Publishing Company, Texas
Pogledajte sve iz područja: Rječnici / priručnici za učenje jezika / engleski

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